Ability: Intermediate Skiers and Snowboarders

(not for Beginners)

Ages: 8 - Adult

Join our highly trained instructors that help correct technique and teach advanced skills. This 3 night lesson is designed for anyone who has completed our 4 night beginner class, or anyone that wants to ride Blue and Black runs more efficiently.

Skiers will become proficient with:

  • Basic parallel turns with good separation

  • Proper edge control

  • Proper use of poles

Snowboarders will cover the 3 core competencies:

  • Having a centred and mobile stance

  • Being able to turn with the lower body

  • Have balance over the working edge

    Must be able to control speed, preferably on both edges, link turns and must be able to use the lift.

Classes are scheduled the last week of each month excluding December

Class days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6:30pm - 8:30pm.

Click Register below for dates.

The cost is $150 + tax. 


3 nights (Tuesday-Thursday)

2 hour lessons per night

Lift passes for 3 evenings

Level 2+ Certified instructor

Rental equipment NOT included

*Helmets are mandatory


Skiier and Boarders for life


Age: 18+

(Target age between 30 and 70)

This 2 day program has been designed for individuals who have skied or snowboarded in the past and want to get back into the sport. Taught exclusively by our CSIA and CASI Level 2 and 3 Instructors you will be amazed by the progress you will make in 2 days

Today’s equipment allows individuals to participate in the sport well into their 70’s. If you are between 30 and 70 and have skied or snowboarded before this program is perfect for you. Teaching will be adapted to each individuals physical condition and limitations. Pricing includes all top quality equipment, lifts and lessons. Students will be provided with a video and written plan for ongoing improvement at the conclusion of the program. Students will also be provided with advice on equipment designed for the type of riding they wish to participate in.

This program is limited to a maximum of 6 participants. All participants must have skied or snowboarded at some time in the past. This program is not a “learn to ski program” but intended to get individuals back into the sport.